Different psychics gave different predictions?
I am apart of an online psychic website. Since last year I have consulted 3. All within a few months of each other. I didn’t want to “psychic hop”. Although the travel, college predictions, things along those lines were pretty similar, the love predictions were not. The first psychic gave me one of the most accurate readings I’ve ever had. He knew nothing but my topics going into the reading, and told me pretty much everything about myself with little information provided by me. He told me the man I had fallen for is my future husband. Another psychic who basically sat and did nothing the whole reading told me to move on from him. The most recent reading was with a psychic who seemed to get the information in pieces, but did give me time lines and talked with me. She told me she sees a relationship happening with me and my guy, but no future together.
I am pretty confused with all these different predictions. I’m not sure who to go by or who should be considered better than the other. Thoughts? Has this ever happened to anyone on here as well? Thank you!
Suggestion by sunburst
I would go with the most accurate one, and it sounds like the first one may be the most accurate, but only time can tell. And why not “psychic hop”? Find the person who is right for you, accurate and helpful but not controlling you. When I am looking for a psychic I like to try several before deciding who I’m going to go with.
Suggestion by Charles Castlemore
“apart”…separated from.
this is Mythology and Folklore. Not psychics that do things even psychics can’t do.
Suggestion by Obi Wan Knievel
This happens to a lot of people, and there’s a reason for that.
The reason is that psychics aren’t really psychic and can’t see into the future any more than you or I can. Sorry, but that’s the facts. If you don’t believe me, look at how you got three different readings from three different psychics.
I’ve met several psychic fortune tellers, in fact I insured them. If the fact that psychics need to buy insurance doesn’t tell you anything, keep reading.
I asked a couple of them how they really do it, and they very openly shared their ‘secrets’ with me. One of them even gave me a free reading in advance just to illustrate the procedure for me. They aren’t fraud artists, at least not the honest ones, because entertainment isn’t fraud. They’re paid entertainers, which is why they put the “for entertainment purposes only” disclaimer on their ads. They’ll even have a sign on the wall saying that, and many will ask you to sign a disclaimer saying the same thing.
Fortune telling is an art and a science, and requires a lot of study and a lot of natural people-skills. They use a technique called cold reading, which is basically the process of getting information out of people without asking for it. They also use predictions and statements which sound very specific but are really very vague, and your mind picks that stuff up and immediately connects it to something in your life.
At the end of the day, a psychic is someone who figures out what you want to hear and tells you exactly that. Nobody has ever consulted a psychic and heard “You’ll be a complete failure in life and you’re never going to get laid”, and there’s a reason for that.
Now you know.
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Has Your Psychic Prediction Ever Come True?
So I never really believed in psychics, especially the ones that work as a street vendor, because it seems that everything they say can be left up to interpretation. However there was an incident a few months ago that has me confused.
My husband and I decided to start trying to have a baby in September 2008. In October we were walking down Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica, where they have several street vendors, entertainers, fortune tellers, etc. outside the shops. As we were walking, one of the psychics picked us out of a fairly large crowd and said that he needed to tell us something. We thought he was just trying to sell us something so we ignored him and kept walking. He said “No, wait, I need to tell you something!” We kept walking. Then he yelled out “Your going to have a baby!” Then I turned and looked at him and he said “I’m seeing a Virgo.” I just smiled and said “thanks, we’ll see.”
I thought it was really weird that he picked us out of a crowd and had no information on us. He didn’t know that we were trying to have a baby or that we were even married. We could have been on our first date for he knew.
Anyway, two weeks later I found out I was pregnant and we joked about how the psychic was wrong because my due date was in July, not a virgo. I miscarried in late November. Now we are trying again and I think I may be pregnant, though I have to wait a few more days to test. If anyone who is reading this has had a miscarraige you know how hard this wait is! If I am pregnant there is a good chance the baby will be a Virgo!
I guess I want to know if anyone has ever had this kind of experience. I don’t want to bank on it, but I feel like if I am pregnant and he was right, then I might stress out a little less about having another miscarriage because this baby is “meant to be”. I know that that is stupid, but when you are in this situation you will use anything to try and keep your stress level down.
Everyone: Thank you for the advice. I think that if it is true that this prediction will help not stress as much throughout my pregnancy which will hel a great deal! I will test in a couple days and post the results. Fingers crossed!
Aspicco: I will definately go to see him again if he is still there once I have confirmation that he was correct.
Lala: DOB 11-01-83
Suggestion by aspicco
I have had some predicitions come true & some not, and both were from the same psychic.
IMHO, psychics pick up your most probable future paths. Maybe your “higher self” makes certain plans for the next several months, but your own free will is always invovced. I have had predictions like “You will meet a Laurie or a Linda at your next job in a few weeks, and you will be important to each other” and in a few weeks met a Laurinda, we became good platonic friends and helped each other a lot for the next few years… so that was dead on.
But I saw a friend get a predicition that she said “NO!” to when she heard it, and it didn’t happen. She stopped it from happening.
So I think, to a degree, a good psychic who tunes in to you, picks up your most probable future. The farther they go into the future the less likely they are to be accurate, but they can be accurate.
In a way, you were obviously dwelling on having a baby, wondering when, and this particular psychic “heard” you, & he felt compelled for whatever reason to say something to you. Not all psychics are con artists. Some are very genuine and will do things they are “told” to do even if no profit is involved. For some reason you “needed” to hear this information…
Once the baby is born, it would be nice if you went to this guy, if you can find him, and tell him he was accurate. Psychics like to hear confirmations.
Good luck with the baby.
Suggestion by Aya ~ {Conor’s mammy}
I have a knack for knowing when someone’s pregnant even when they don’t know it themselves (including myself when I’m in denial) and somehow knowing what the gender of the baby will be and whether or not it will be late or early.
Apart from that I don’t really pay attention to any predictions I might make and whether they come true.
Just don’t forget, right or not, there will be a Virgo born every year so don’t stress over it.
@Aspicco – you pick up on it through facial expressions and behaviour. That is, at least, how I think I pick up on these things. That’s also how a complete stranger can pick up on it. I think our minds are more capable of picking these subtle changes up than we think, and that we all behave in a certain fashion according to our physical position or situation.
Suggestion by Molina
Yeah.I don’t know what is wrong with. Everytime I’m thinking of something it always true! I didn’t tell anybody to go do or buy something fr me. It just come true. Like the other day. I was at school in the cafeteria and I was thinking that I want an apple for lunch,but I don’t have one. Yep I don’t have one. And then a few second later…. A girl sitting in another table were asking “Hey anybody want an Apple” she asked. And I’m like “Me mememe” Lol. And I tell my friend. my friend don’t believe it. And next time I prove it to her. And she like oh my goodness.And she start saying can you predict something for me? I’m like I can’t do that. I can’t do anything that bad or…..It only when I was thinking.Nobody can make me do what ever they say. But If I want something and I say it out LOUD!!! infront of anybody. It won’t WORK!! Only in my mind. Good Luck.
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